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[:en]Everybody aspires to be successful in all their endeavors, However, truth be told, as painfully regardless- Not everybody may achieve such level of achievement; and why is that? This question brings us to one of the most controversial debates about whether leaders are Born or Made. Quite frankly, I am not sure of the credibility of either sides. None withstanding, I definitely endorse a concept called the Pareto Principle which states that 80% of  ‘effects’ comes from 20% of the ‘causes’. Vilfrefo Pareto, an Italian economist 1895, had noticed people in society divided naturally into the “vital few” or the 20% in terms of money and influence; and the “trivial many”, or the bottom 80%. For example: Application of Pareto Principal
  1. In Economics and Politics- Power is distributed to 20% of a nation's population.
  2. In Computing- Microsoft noted that by fixing 20% of reported bugs, 80% of related errors in a given system will be eliminated
  3. In Personal Goals and Achievement- Where there is a To-Do-List, according to Brian Tracy, 2 out of 10 items will turn out to be worth more than the other 8 items all together.

"Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing." ―Vince Lombardi

Firstly, before we proceed to the rest of the article, you who had reached this point in this article should be congratulated on your way to the top 20% of highly successful people. So, let’s proceed to the 5 habits of Highly successful People.
  1. Meditation
How can one know for certain how to manage their circumstances? James Allen, in his book, As A Man Thinketh, states that its an easy task to Act right, be at the right place or be right on time. But its difficult, almost impossible to act right in the right place at the right time. Nevertheless, with prayers and meditation, one can foresee a solution and therefore avoid errors in the greatest degree. Who do you pray to? No matter the religion, spirituality plays an important role in one’s daily life. The best time is in the morning before sunrise.
  1. Organization
It is always advisable to have a list of TO-DOs because frankly, the human brain is prone to forgetfulness. It is not a deficiency. Its just the way it is. There are so many activities to manage daily and it is wise to give proper care to structuring these activities, i.e appropriate time and conditions to a particular task. For example,picking the right time to publish an article on the internet that will attract audiences who are available at that time to view the publication. These will affect what time to write the article that will be published; which may in turn affect what time the writer must awake and, in such case, what time must the writer sleep a day before. Plan to Win.
  1. Dedication
Everybody can draw a plan. In fact, everybody has one, consciously or subconsciously; whether written down on paper or saved in the mind. What distinguishes the leaders is the ability to executed their plans and their deliberation to see the very end of it all. The secret is accountability. Did you start a fitness plan to achieve a certain body type? So far, have you been doing what is expected to reach your goal? Or did you make a resolution about checking up on a certain family/friends at least once a week? Did you keep to your plan?
  1. Optimization
Reply that email; Make that call; Revisit studies- whatever you do, optimize your free time as best as you can. If it is important to linger on your social media much longer than 2 minutes, let it be worth your time. Gossip blogs doesn’t count except the information is valuable to you. Quite often, we may finish up earlier than the designated time to complete that task, then is the hour of good decisions and bad decision. This however may be a good outcome although it become detrimental to one’s mental strength when time won is wasted away, rather than invested back into more high-valued-activities.
  1. Relaxation and Sleep
The best is saved for last. Imagine our brain as the CPU to a computing device. What happens when a phone/laptop hasn’t been shutdown in some hours/days? It begins to run tasks slowly. This is because the interior of a CPU is made of microchips that has limited run-time to high efficiency. It can’t overdose on power else it results to malfunction of the wares. That is why many software producers now reboots a system automatically when the time-limit is detected. Talk less of the human brain. Sufficient sleep is very important to function adequately daily. There is nothing better than a vacation from the hustle and bustle of the hour.   Good Luck![:]

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